Ways to Make the Last Month of Pregnancy Easier

Ways to Make the Last Month of Pregnancy Easier

The last month of pregnancy can be crazy – you’re anxious, excited, confused. All these emotions inside you. Some ladies go all the way beyond the due date, but for those who don’t know the last month is tough.

The “waiting game” can get a little bit crazy. You’ll probably feel very uncomfortable and start thinking that Dr. Strange did some voodoo with time and space making it slow down.

The pain increases as the due date grow neigh. It becomes quite impossible to plan out your weeks. Below are some tips that can help you pull through quickly:

  1. Find Something Fun to Do

Being pregnant with the twins was not easy especially in the last month. However, I found something to do during the time to keep myself busy. I took a good book and began to read it through.

Certainly, you got to find something fun to do. Trust me; time seems to move extremely slowly as the pain also increases as you come close to the due date. Even just getting something to do on social media can be a project. Find something easy and fun to do.

  1. Try Some New Recipes

What better time to perfect your skills than when you’re about to give birth? Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to try every single recipe in my recipe book. Of course, trying out recipes that would take more time would be tiring, so I decide to stick to recipes that took a shorter time to prepare.

  1. Enjoy Your “Me-Time.”

The last month of pregnancy is the best month to enjoy your “me-time.” During my pregnancy, I had time to take some long baths and have my prenatal massage. As the days drew nearer, I had more visits to my chiropractor. The massage was fantastic as it helped my whack body come back to shape.

  1. Take a Break

Often we live in a world full of expectations. Well, this is the time to give yourself a break. Things don’t have to “be” the way they’ve been before. I learned this in my last month of pregnancy. Don’t get focused on what you need to get ready and try to fit into that. The last month was nature’s way of preparing me for the road ahead – raising up Rose and Ella.

  1. Alli Smith says

    I well remember when the nesting instinct kicked in during that last month of pregnancy and I wanted everything to be spotless and perfect for my soon arriving baby. Taking a break and relaxing is a great tip.

  2. Paula Schuck says

    These are all excellent tips. The last month of pregnancy can be absolutely awful for some moms. It’s important to take care of ourselves.

  3. Katie Kinsley says

    I’m afraid I’m going to be so huge that I’ll be put on bed rest! I can only hope that I will stay active enough and eat right to now become the size of a house, lol.

  4. Jeanette says

    I remember my last trimester and it seem to go on for ever. Who’s are a lot of great ideas to keep in mind when you’re in that last trimester. Keeping yourself busy will make time go by quicker and less uncomfortable.

  5. Destany says

    The me time is definitely essential. I haven’t been pregnant for 13 years, but I remember needing the me time so badly!

  6. Angelic Sinova says

    Although I’ve never been pregnant, I have heard that keeping yourself busy and finding fun things to do is a good way to make it through your last month of pregnancy. I can definitely see how “me time” would be a must!

  7. Jacqui @FlightsFancyMom says

    Great suggestions. I was on medical leave the last two months of my pregnancy. It was way too uncomfortable for me to be at work. And I only had one bun in the oven! lol.

  8. Kita Bryant says

    Great advice girl. There is so much more to being pregnant than a lot of new mothers understand. Me time is very important, because you really don’t get it after that lol!

  9. Pam Wattenbarger says

    These are great tips. The last month of pregnancy can seem to drag on forever! I remember how long it felt.

  10. ricci says

    These are all great things to do during the last month of pregnancy! I will be sure and pass this post off to a couple friends who are almost there!

  11. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says

    I remember the last month of pregnancy for both of my boys all too well. In both cases I simply couldn’t wait for the day to come so I could meet my kids.

  12. Amanda says

    The last month of pregnancy was the worst…especially when I was pregnant in the hot and humid summer. I just love your tips and tricks to make the ninth month better.

  13. Chubskulit Rose says

    Great tips and I agree to all of these especially taking a break. I miss being pregnant but doesn’t miss the labor pain lol.

  14. Anosa says

    Indeed you have to find something that you can divert your attention. Avoid overthinking as this might get you stressed and your baby might feel it too.

  15. I was on complete bed rest with both of mine, so I didn’t get to “do” much, but I remember orchestrating preparations for the baby. Nesting definitely kicks in as you await the arrival of your little bundle of joy. Resting up is a great plan. And enjoying your family as it is for the last moments before life changes forever. 🙂

    Life With Lorelai

  16. dee says

    I like the tip of finding something fun to do. It will help relax you and it will help keep your mind busy as we wait for the arrival of the baby.

  17. Mimi Green says

    I wish I had enjoyed my last months little more. I miss having a big ole belly.

  18. robin rue says

    The last month is hard. I remember being SO uncomfortable (both of my kids are August babies) and I actually ended up on bedrest with my second and that was anything but enjoyable.

  19. Chris Lewis says

    Great advice, and great to know for dads too. We need to do what we can to support all of our moms to be to help them throughout the pregnancy!

  20. candy says

    The last month I spent tons of time making and freezing dinners for later use. Such a big help when the baby arrived and I was tired from lack of sleep. Plus I cleaned everything in sight.

  21. Tim B. says

    Nice tips for the man in a pregnant woman’s wife to know too! Dads should want to be supportive of both mom and baby during a pregnancy!

  22. Mars says

    Great tips for preggos. I haven’t experience pregnancy yet but I think exploring more and discovering yourself as woman is the greatest gift a mother can get it.

  23. Doria says

    This is a wonderful list! I had my guys early, so I didn’t really make it through the last month, but everyone else I known (especially if they had a kiddo already) definitely got a bit frazzled. I’ll make sure to bookmark this and pass it along to expecting friends 😉

  24. NYC Single Mom says

    I adopted but I will have to say while I was waiting I was all about the “me time” because I knew once the baby came, there would no more me time.

  25. Cheryl says

    I did all of those things in my last few weeks. My son was over a week late, so by the end I felt like a beached whale 🙂

  26. Jenn @ EngineerMommy says

    Pregnancy can definitely be tough, especially that last month. These are great tips on making it easy and comfortable at the end.

  27. Bella says

    I think the suggestion to take a break is one that will benefit many! There’s the idea that you need to make everything perfect but I imagine taking breaks whenever you can would really help to make life much easier!

  28. Pam says

    That last month of pregnancy can really be draining. These are great ideas for enjoying it!

  29. Maurene Cab says

    The last trimester is filled with mixed emotions for a lot of mommies. These tips sure are helpful. Great post!

  30. David Elliott says

    You do have to grab some me time every now and then. It is essential for balance I think, whether pregnant or not. I am sure once the child comes you will not have much of the free time for you, but you will still need it. Don’t neglect yourself.

  31. My Teen Guide says

    The last month of pregnancy is the most difficult for me too. There were times that I just wanted the day to come so I can be done and over with the body aches, the swelling and the sleepless nights. Thanks for these tips. I will not have any more babies but I will share this post with family members who are in the reproductive age.

  32. Jaime Nicole says

    Oh, I remember the last month pretty well! I just wanted to be able to sleep again lol!

  33. Kiwi says

    Never had a kid before but I hear all the time the last month is so overwhelming for pregnant women. Great ideas I think they all should find something fun to do or just super relax before the baby comes.

  34. Shannon Graham says

    Me time is the way to go. Relaxing as much as you can is just the perfect way to prepare for not being able to relax for a long time after that. 😛

  35. valmg @ Mom Knows It All says

    I remember the last month of my pregnancy! I was uncomfortable but I really just wanted to give birth so I could meet my kids.

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