Make It a Goal to #ReadMore in 2015

Make It a Goal to #ReadMore in 2015

Have you made a New Year’s resolution? If not there is still time! A resolution you can make today is to dedicate more time to reading over the next 12 months! The great thing about this resolution is that it’s easy to accomplish.

Reading is not only a great way to learn more about the world, but it acts as a release from everyday life.  If my daughter doesn’t have trouble sleeping, I’m usually dedicated to reading a good romance novel before bed. I like reading romance novels before bed because their easy to read and are generally lighthearted.

Although, when I truly have free time I would rather read a different genre. I particularly enjoy historical and fine arts books. When reading these books I need to be fully awake and free from interruption because of the heavy amount of new information I’m intaking. That’s why one of my #ReadMore resolutions in 2015 is to dedicate a hour every second day to reading during the day.

Since the New Year marks a fresh start, I would also like to expand my reading horizon to new genres. Kobo has the perfect app to do this. The “Collections” feature of the app allows you to file books together and by any theme you want. You can also browse other collections: Best Spy Books, Best Romance, Best in Health and Wellness. These already made collections really helped me discover books from new genres.

Here are some books from my 2015 #ReadMore collection:

Make It a Goal to #ReadMore in 2015

1. Philomena – I watched the movie last year and I was touched by Philomena’s story. It’s my goal to read the actual book behind the movie in 2015. 

2. The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici – I love history and the fine arts. The Medici family were the most powerful family during the Renaissance. The family was a huge patron to the arts, so I would love to actually read about the family. 

3.  Station Eleven – This novel intrigued me immediately when I learned the incredible recognition it has received – National Book Award finalist, New York Times bestseller, Globe and Mail bestseller, and a Best Book of the Year in The Globe and Mail, The Washington Post, Entertainment Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, and Time magazine. It’s also an end of the world story, which has become really popular in recent years. 

4.  A Game of Thrones 5-Book Boxed Set (Song of Ice and Fire Series) – I love the Game of Thrones TV series and have been meaning to read the books for the longest time. In 2015, I would love to finish all five. 

5. The Conspiracy of Us – This is a young adult book, a genre I don’t read as much. Young adult books have become popular for adults to read nowadays and a lot  have been turned into successful movies. This title sounds interesting because it dabbles in history and mystery. 


What’s your #ReadMore goal this year? Check out the Kobo store or download the Kobo app to find books to add to your reading list this year. 


PTPA and Kobo are giving (1) Prize worth $100 in gift cards. There will be a total of 20 x $100 prizes given away from the program as a whole, so enter now!

(Contest is open to Canadian Residents)

Kobo ‪#‎ReadMore‬ Challenge Month 2
Disclosure: I am part of the PTPA Brand Ambassador Program with Kobo and I received Compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

  1. Jessica says

    I simply LOVE to read. I hope you make your goal, you have a good list of books there .

  2. Stephanie Alo says

    This is definitely a goal for both of myself and my kiddo this year!

  3. Detroit Duchess says

    Good choices! I’ve been wanting to read Game of Thrones – I love the show. House of Medici looks awesome too. I am currently reading about Ann Boleyn.

  4. Terry says

    I haven’t made any resolutions in years… but I do like to read. Finding the time to read is another matter.

  5. max says

    I’ve been so busy lately that ready has been pushed to the side. I really need to make it a priority again. I miss it.

  6. Reading more IS one of my goals for this year – I have a problem in choosing which books to read! There are so many!!!

  7. Jaime says

    I have a giant stack of books sitting on and around my nightstand. I love to read (and re-read my books.)

  8. Liz Mays says

    My son just read the first Ice and Fire novel! I haven’t seen or read the series but I heard it’s incredible. I need to read more for sure this year!

  9. Life As A Convert says

    I do have a goal to read more (for fun) this year. I do book reviews on my blog, and I love that too, but I also love choosing books that I really want just because. None of the above are on my list though.

  10. Lois Alter Mark says

    Reading is one of my favorite things in the world! I always have stacks of books waiting.

  11. I love to read but don’t get to do as much as I would like. I am reading Wild right now and It Was Me All Along. I am enjoying both of them.

  12. Lesley says

    No problem there! LOL I am an avid reader, I love to read. I do my best to get up early in the morning and read before the kids wake up so I don’t take too much time from them.

  13. Amber NElson says

    Looks like some good reads. I need to find a book to start on!

  14. Pam says

    I got a Kobo a while back and my daughter took it over. She takes it everywhere so she will always have a good book.

  15. Heather says

    I definitely want to read more this year. I think I’ll add something fun to my nook.

  16. Trista says

    I am with you, reading more is one of my goals for this year! I also have a list of books.

  17. Heather says

    I’ve taken up reading over the last few months. I finished a book that’s taken over 8 months to read, and started another book written by bloggers. It is a good release as long as you aren’t already starring at a screen all day.

  18. Jeanine says

    I need to read more. I need to read to challenge my mind. I haven’t read any of these you’ve mentioned but I’ll check into them!

  19. Melodi Steinberg says

    I wish I enjoyed reading! It’s so hard for my to get into it.

  20. Theresa says

    I have a 50 book goal this year. I would also like to read Game of Thrones!

  21. Reading more has been one of my goals for this year. So far I’m off to a great start!

  22. Aisha Kristine Chong says

    Seems you have a great list here – right now, I don’t have certain goals yet but I do have one book in mind that I want to read.

  23. Mama to 5 BLessings says

    This sounds great, I have not heard of kobo before. I wish I had more time to read!

  24. I used to read ALL the time. It was my favorite hobby. Then I went back to school to turn my AA into a BA and then 6 weeks later went for my MBA. Now that I am done with school I have more time for pleasure reading. I have set my Good Reads goal for 50 books this year.

    I have an iPad and have the Kobo app. I love reading books on there. I have more books on the Kindle App but it seems I hardly ever read on there. The Kobo app is just so fun!

  25. Annie M says

    I’ve read one book all of last year, shame! I plan to read more myself this year 😛

  26. Melanie says

    I love reading! I read so much this would be an extra challenge to read more. lol 🙂 I’ve heard great stuff on the kobo

  27. Tough Cookie Mommy says

    As a Literacy Specialist I am always an advocate of reading more. Literacy skills are crucial for every aspect of daily life.

  28. Sarah Bailey says

    I go through fazes with reading at the moment I’m struggling to really get into a good book (even though I know at other times I would love it) hopefully I will get back my love for books soon. x

  29. Scott says

    I made this my goal last year and am happy to say I was pretty successful. Got through more books than I had in the previous 10 years combined!

  30. Danette Lykins says

    I love reading a good book! Hope you reach your goal- thanks for sharing!

  31. lisa says

    I love to read. I need to find the time to read-there are so many good books out there!

  32. Uplifting Families says

    I was reading several books a month for a while but lately I don’t have the time anymore. I love reading.

  33. Debbie Denny says

    I am an avid reader. Good luck with your goal.

  34. Rebel Sweetheart says

    It’s been months since I bought a new book. I really add reading more to my list of goals for the year.

  35. Steph says

    You got it! I’m an avid reader… but with each baby added to my life, my reading career has dwindled. I agree, this is important. Last year was my all-time low book reading year (aside from professional books, which consumed my time) I read one book for fun. Maybe I’ll start a Book & Movie event with some friends and start with Philomena!

  36. Rachelle J says

    Reading is one of my favorite things to do ever! You will really love the Game Of Trones series. One of my favorites!

  37. Stephanie Pass says

    I love finding new books from other people’s recommendations. I’ve got Station Eleven on my wish list.

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