Learn More About Our Writers

Robyn Writer ProfileRobyn Good is  is a stay-at-home mom and a celeb /mommy blogger! Read more about me here.

The Two Loves of My Life: Ava and Daniel šŸ˜‰

Contact Robyn: celebbabylaundry@gmail.com

Annemarie Fraser is the editor-in-chief of Celeb Dirty Laundry.  Annemarie is a former University professor and is now retired. She is engaged to Jody Overland. She enjoys traveling and genealogy.  She loves spoiling her beautiful granddaughter, Ava.

ā€œIā€™m pretty, but Iā€™m not beautiful. I sin, but Iā€™m not the devil. Iā€™m good, but Iā€™m not an angel.ā€ -Marilyn Monroe  Contact Annemarie:  annemarie@brownsroad.com

Jody Overland says “I have been alive for more than 1/2 a century and life is great – in fact it is all we have. I try to make your life a bit more interesting with my posts on the Celeb Dirty Laundry family of blogs. Since I didn’t have a blog to write for, I went to school and got a Ph.D. from Brown in Economics and entered academia professionally. At last I found a serious job -reporting great stories to you. “I love the wilderness, reading, playing chess, and being with my loved ones.”

Contact Jody: drjodyoverland@yahoo.com

Daniel Babis Profile

Daniel – Daniel is Robyn’s soon-to-be husband and the father of Ava.  He is currently completely a university degree in Economics. One day he hopes to solve the economic problems of the world. In his spare time, Daniel enjoys  playing with his daughter, reading and watching Hockey.

Daniel has a unique job on Celeb Baby Laundry as he is the first daddy writer! Hopefully, his experiences as a first time dad will keep readers laughing šŸ˜‰

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” – Sun Tzu

Contact Daniel: dbabis11@gmail.com


Cristina – The newest CBL writer. Check out some of her stories in the parenting and pregnancy section.

Pamela Ray – Pamela Ray is a 20 something, mom to two and wife to a U.S American Soldier. Over my 20 something years of life, I’ve learned a few things about kids and they way they function, or don’t function if your kids tend to be like mine! My beautiful babies are Jacob, who is 3 going on 23 and Aubree, who is 2 years old! If my two babies weren’t enough to keep me busy, I figured I’d make it real exciting and throw some more toddlers and kids into my house add one part toys, two parts hotdog and peaches, shake it all up and call it daycare! No, I’m not crazy šŸ™‚ There is never a dull moment around here. I’m excited to share my two cents on parenting and the survival of toddlers, newborns and turds…Oh, and everything else in between, which as many of us parents know, is a heck of a lot of stuff!

Amelia Rose – Amelia Rose is originally from England, but moved to the United States when she was a teen. She is married and has two beautiful children Gwen and Liam. She is an aspiring actress and hopes to one day become the next Angelina Jolie with less children šŸ˜‰ When she is not auditioning for new roles, she spends her time taking care of her lovely children and bringing Celeb Baby Laundry readers juicy gossip!  Contact Amelia Rose: info@cdlblogfamily.com

Nicholas Sanford is excited to be writing for Celeb Baby Laundry!  Heā€™s thrilled that he found an outlet where it is more than appropriateā€“and encouragedā€“to comment on the ridiculous happenings of celebrities and their high-functioning lives.

He comes to Celebrity Baby Laundry with one mission: to stealthily kick Perez Hilton out of the celeb gossip throne and help the entire world see that Robyn Goodā€™s blog is THE ONLY place to come for juicy celeb/entertainment news. He will achieve these goals through extensive Jedi mind tricks and elaborate spells cast in a Harry Potter-esque fashion.

Nick is a prolific eater of skittles (except the purple ones, theyā€™re an abomination to the candy industry), a college student, and a writer who one day hopes to publish one of those young adult novels filled with a whole bunch of paranormal creatures and magic. He also believes writing biographies about himself in the third person is extremely awkward.

I love talking with complete strangers via e-mail, so chat me up! sanford321@gmail.com Enjoy all of our hanging laundry!

CJ – I was born and raised in Hawaii, I moved to Los Angeles seven years ago. I met my husband playing co-ed softball and we got married two years ago. We have two sweet dogs and welcomed our first child in November 2012. We love outdoor activities, traveling and spending time with our family and friends.  Contact CJ: info@cdlblogfamily.com

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