General Hospital Spoilers: Lucky is Coming Home, But For How Long? Where His Storyline Could Lead…

General Hospital: Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson)

General Hospital spoilers claim Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson) is coming back to Port Charles, and we have to wonder what that’s going to look like after nearly ten years away.

Some might say Lucky ran as fast as he could from his hometown — and from Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst).

Elizabeth has recently expressed remorse for the way things ended between her and Lucky before he left town, noting that she pretty much blames herself for him ditching everyone who loves him.

While we await more details about where Elizabeth feels she went so horribly wrong with Lucky, we have to wonder whether she will find a way to make it up to him when he comes home — or if she’ll even have to.

General Hospital Spoilers — Time Heals All Wounds?

With almost a decade of time standing between them, it may instantly feel like no time has passed at all when Lucky and Elizabeth lay eyes on one another.

And that’s just the way we longtime GH fans like it. We expect these two to pick up right where things left off and let bygones be bygones.

That’s because Elizabeth has lived in her own head with whatever guilt she is harboring long enough, and she deserves better than just another heartache. But will a Spencer man be the answer to her prayers? That’s not usually the way it works out.

GH Spoilers Spill the Fans are Ready for Elizabeth’s Happy Ending

Spencer men have their own troubled ways of doing things, not unlike the Cassadine clan — both of which Elizabeth has fallen for time and time again.

General Hospital: Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst)

But throughout the years, Elizabeth’s story consistently circles back to Lucky. From the brutal rape she endured and the way he nurtured her back to health from it, to the way he stepped up to be Cameron ‘Cam’ Webber’s (William Lipton) dad when he wasn’t — and the way he endeavored to be Jake Spencer’s (Hudson West) dad, even if only in name — Lucky has come through for Elizabeth.

We suppose that’s why she was okay with him dipping out on his actual son, Aiden Webber (Finn Francis Carr). If Lucky is coming home to save his sister and make amends, he just might find after all that he has now endured, that home is where the heart is.

General Hospital Spoilers — Can Lucky Stop Chasing Luke’s Ghost?

Maybe he’ll come home wanting a reprieve from near-death experiences, but something tells us it wont’ stick. Settling down with Elizabeth and their son sounds a whole lot easier than it probably will be for Lucky. A

lthough he’s scared he may not make it out of Jenz Sidwell’s (Carlo Rota) compound right now, he also lives for this kind of danger. Much like his father, Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary), Lucky thrives on cortisol and adrenaline.

Can a peaceful life in Port Charles really satisfy him, or will he soon be off on the next big adventure his soul is seeking? Elizabeth is so preoccupied with wondering how he feels about her anymore than she’s not considering how he might leave her in the dust all over again.

Fingers crossed that he comes home in it for the long haul this time! Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers just ahead.

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