General Hospital Spoilers: Will Lulu End Up Playing Mom to Danny and Scout in the Wake of Sam’s Death?

General Hospital: Lulu Falconeri (Alexa Havins)

General Hospital spoilers gush Lulu Falconeri (Alexa Havins) is due to wake up sometime soon. While we don’t know the exact timeline of events, most fans have presumed Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson) will be rescued from Jenz Sidwell (Carlo Rota) in the nick of time to save his little sister’s life.

What people won’t be expecting is what comes next though with her waking up. Maybe the surgery rattles her body enough to bring her out of that coma. Regardless, we know Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco) is due to be killed roundabout the same time — aka sometime this fall.

What will happen between Lulu and ex-hubby, Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) after he loses Sam?

What will happen to their happy, blending family? Can Lulu just step back in and fill Sam’s shoes? Something tells us it’s not going to be that easy.

General Hospital Spoilers — Rocco Barely Knows His Mother

Rocco Falconeri (Finn Francis Carr) has spent most of his life knowing his mom from a hospital bed. She hasn’t been able to talk back. She can’t look into his eyes, hug him, tell him how proud she is of him, attend his games or school programs, or do anything else but lie there giving him a modicum of hope that someday he may get to know her better.

Now that we see that time is going to come to fruition, will Rocco embrace his mom right away, and how will it complicate matters to have lost the woman who was filling that role in his life when Sam dies?

General Hospital: Danny Morgan (Asher Antonyzyn)

GH Spoilers Tease Danny Will Grieve the Hardest

Danny Morgan (Asher Antonyzyn) technically has a father in Jason Morgan (Steve Burton). It’s just the man Sam wanted around her son day in and day out because of the danger that his lifestyle brings with it.

Jason has always been rather understanding of that, and we could see him agreeing to an arrangement after Sam dies in which Danny continues to live with Dante instead of moving in with him.

Danny may not like that at first, but staying housemates with Rocco wouldn’t be so bad, right? Still, if Dante quickly moves on again with Lulu, we can see Danny coming to resent them both.

General Hospital Spoilers — Scout Has a Home

Scout Quartermaine (Cosette Abinante) has a father too. Drew Quartermaine (Cameron Mathison) is heavily wrapped up in politics right now trying to secure a seat in Congress though. If he wins the upcoming special election, he’ll be spending most of his time in Washington, D.C., which he’ll likely agree is no place for his daughter.

Besides, the last thing he’ll want to do after she loses her mom is uproot her from everyone she’s ever known and move her to a strange city. Will he too agree she can stay with Dante?

Will that mean Lulu ends up playing mom to two more kids she never knew she was taking on board? Keep checking back for more GH news and spoilers just ahead.

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