General Hospital Spoilers: Ric Could Lose His Daughter for Turning Alexis In

General Hospital: Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst)

General Hospital spoilers reveal Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst) definitely had his own agenda when he dragged Elizabeth Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst) down to the PCPD to corroborate what he witnessed at the footbridge.

Elizabeth wasn’t necessarily coerced into seeing Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) toss a gun off the bridge into the water, even if he did twist her arm to get her to admit what she saw to the police.

But Ric’s words to Detective Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) afterward certainly echoed how he really feels about his ex-wife.

Pointing out her criminal record in such a shady way didn’t go over Chase’s head, but he’ll follow up on the facts of the investigation nonetheless and won’t treat Alexis impartially because of Ric’s slant toward her.

However, Ric may not be so lucky when his daughter, Molly Lansing Davis (Kristen Vaganos), finds out how far he took things.

General Hospital Spoilers — A Dirty Deed

Molly is no stranger to discord between her parents. They’ve never really been friends. She never had the white picket fence upbringing with either of them.

So she knows better than to expert that right now. Still, she thought she could rely on her parents during the most difficult experience of her life — losing her child just before baby Irene Marie’s birth.

The reality is that her mom has been swept up by Kristina Corinthos Davis’ (Kate Mansi) grief instead. That’s left her feeling like she has to lean on her dad more — which was fine, until she finds out he took a swing at her mom.

General Hospital: TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow)

GH Spoilers Hint TJ Goes to Bat for Molly’s Pops

Molly might be hesitant to jump on this bandwagon with her dad, but she will also be surprised to find her domestic partner, TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow), is already there.

Ric and TJ spent some time together in the gym this week and it left TJ feeling like he has a new support system in place to rely on.

He and Ric seem to be simpatico on working to support Molly, especially because they agree her mother and sisters aren’t doing a very good job of that.

So TJ could come to Ric’s defense and point out the obvious — that Elizabeth also saw this and if Molly is contesting Ric’s account based on his history with her mom, then she’ll have to also determine why Elizabeth would say it if it weren’t true.

This may convince Molly to tone it down and give her dad some grace.

General Hospital Spoilers — Grief, Manipulated

Molly’s initial reaction may be absolute fury. After all, she’s angry with her mom right now, but she doesn’t want her behind bars. At the same time, she’s going to question why her mom had that gun and whether she’s just covering for Kristina once again.

It’s possible that it’ll be quite simple for TJ and Ric to convince Molly that’s what’s going on. And well, isn’t it? Is Molly that far out in assuming her sister could’ve killed FBI Special Agent John ‘Jagger’ Cates (Adam Harrington) if Alexis too jumped to the very same conclusion when she found that gun in her purse?

Even if neither of them are guilty of anything nefarious, doesn’t this prove the lengths that Alexis will go to just to protect Kristina from herself? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers as this family spirals out of control.

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