LBPW Spoilers: Audrey Roloff Admits To Parenting Stress

Audrey Roloff

The Little People, Big World spoilers reveal that Audrey Roloff experiences parenting stress. She opened up about some of her struggles and offered ways for combatting them.

However, she’s gotten backlash for the insensitive comments she made. Keep on reading to learn more.

The Little People, Big World  Spoilers – Audrey Roloff Talks Anxiety

Earlier this week, Audrey Roloff answered questions from Little People, Big World fans on her Instagram Stories. One Little People, a Big World fan wanted to know if she experiences parental stress or anxiety.

She admitted that she deals with stress in her daily life even though it doesn’t look like it. The way that Audrey deals with her anxiety is by relying on her faith.

“I definitely deal with stress and overwhelm, but not anxiety…” Audrey Roloff started off her lengthy post via her Instagram Stories. “I really believe that more people need to believe that can live without anxiety because YOU CAN. I know this is a massive issue in our culture today and I don’t want to oversimplify it, but I also think that many people have overcomplicated [sic] it.”

Audrey suggested that people should seek the root cause of their stress or anxiety. She feels that just treating the symptoms of anxiety without knowing the issues won’t help.

Audrey also suggested that the LPBW fan make changes to their lifestyle and find things that bring them peace. She concluded her post with the following: “Ask God ‘what do you want me to know about my anxiety’ and ‘quiet your mind enough to listen.'”

LPBW fans slammed Audrey for her overly simplified explanation of tackling anxiety. Some argued that it’s not that simple. One fan on Reddit jokingly wrote: “Wow! Just wow! Tell me you didn’t just minimize my anxiety! SO BEYOND! F’ed up!! No words! Other than cuss words!” Another added: “Damn. All the thousands I’ve spent on therapy and psychiatrists and medications I could have just f*cking believed harder to make my anxiety disappear.”

Audrey Roloff

Little People Big World Updates – Audrey Roloff Clarifies Her Comments

The Little People, Big World spoilers reveal that Audrey Roloff clarified her previous comments. She shared another lengthy statement via her Instagram Stories.

Audrey admitted that she received several DMs about her response to handling anxiety. Many argued that her tips don’t work and are harmful to those who desperately need treatment or therapy.

“I never said nor encouraged people not to seek treatment,” Audrey Roloff wrote. “In fact, I encourage the opposite. To figure out the cause and explore solutions. Hence ‘start things and stop things.’ For further clarity, I am not anti-medication. I am anti-just masking symptoms.”

LPBW fans reacted on Reddit. Some called her “uneducated,” “privileged,” and “tone deaf.” Another accused Audrey Roloff of “minimizing others’ childhood trauma.” Even with her clarifications, many found her response “infuriating.”

What are your thoughts on Audrey Roloff experiencing parental stress? Did you find her tips for anxiety helpful? Sound off below in the comment section.

As always, check back for more LPBW spoilers, news, and updates.

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