TLC’s OutDaughtered is a longstanding reality TV show that follows the daily lives of the Busby family. Adam and Danielle welcomed all-girl quintuplets and the show’s first eight seasons followed the family’s good and bad times. Nobody thought the show might come to an end, but it went on a long hiatus. Now the show returns, spoilers are emerging about what fans can expect to see in Season 9 on TLC.
When no word of a new season came along, Adam and his wife eventually shared that they took a hiatus. Actually, it sounded as if they would take a year off and then come back. However, Danielle later seemed less than sure the show would return. Anyway, the news arrived eventually, and it premieres on TLC and streams on Max on July 11 this year. Already, fans who follow the family on social media saw some of the scenes that will come in the new season. But, plenty of people haven’t kept up to date. So, not too many folks sound unhappy.
OutDaughtered fans thought that perhaps Danielle just trolled fans for fun when she claimed that the show might come back, one day. Well, just days later, TLC announced the return. Adam explained that the showrunner kept the premiere date secret from them. Well, it sounded like a bit of a last-minute decision, so perhaps that’s why people will see bits and pieces of their lives that Adam already shared.
This year, the quints turned eight years old. Naturally, a birthday is good for some episodes and fans will see how they even had a petting zoo for the guests. Plenty of balloons and cakes will be in evidence, and folk will see Danielle worrying about the rain ruining the big day.
The OutDaughtered quints “are growing up,” Danielle said in a teaser. Well, they are much bigger than they were the last time fans saw them on TLC. However, they are still cute enough for fans to appreciate seeing them again.
In the new season, it’s Adam who spends most of the time with the girls. Actually, the old Danielle emerges briefly in teasers looking grumpy with her husband. In fact, he snarked right back at her because she seems to be self-absorbed. If you don’t know, she’s been busy pouring her time into a brick-and-mortar store for her Graeson Bee clothing line. Actually, spoilers revealed that she yelled at Hazel for drawing on a box in the store.
OutDaughtered Season 9 will show the girls going on a special dance with their dad. When it comes to transport, they don’t climb on the family bus. Instead, they enjoy a pink Limo. TLC fans seem delighted about the return of the family show. Hopefully, more scenes of Blayke, Adam, Danielle, and the Busby quints will keep on coming.
Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the TLC cast right now. Come back here often for more OutDaughtered spoilers, news, and updates.
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