Frozen is an animated adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, The Snow Queen and it set to be released in 2013. The original story follows two young children Kai and Gerda who struggle with good and evil. The two forced apart when a shard of glass from the devil’s magic mirror gets caught in Kai’s eye. Unable to see the beauty and happiness around him, Kai’s personality changes, leaving him angry and spiteful, and causing him to run away from his home and family. Kai only finds solace in The Snow Queen, an entity able to somehow bypass the mirror’s curse. Kai soon finds himself trapped and in need of Gerda’s help to escape The Snow Queen.
The Little Couple fans miss seeing Zoey Klein and her brother Will on TLC. But,…
Sister Wives star Truely Brown turned 13 last year, and when initial reports arrived that…
Teen Mom star Ryan Edwards is the dad of Bentley who he and Maci Bookout…
90 Day Fiance star Loren Brovarnik used to be one of the most popular stars…
90 Day Fiance stars Yara Zaya and Jovi Dufren became very popular after they appeared…
Little People, Big World alum Jeremy Roloff and his wife, Audrey Roloff find a lot…