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My Life

Life According to Me, At 37 Weeks Pregnant

I am officially considered full term!  Wohooo! My little baby can pop out any time now and she would be fine!  Many women try to bring on labor through natural induction methods at this point. I think I will try some things, but I think…

Life According to Me, At 36 Weeks Pregnant

Today, I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I only have one more week till I am considered full term.  That feels really good to hear! I have up and down days. I barely sleep anymore, so I'm usually tired. My baby has moved into my pelvic area in…

Life According to Me, At 35 Weeks Pregnant

I'm 35 Weeks pregnant today and couldn't be happier.  I feel like the end is in sight!  Sleeping is horrible. It's  impossible to get comfortable in the nights. Plus, my body has started waking up around 5:30 in the morning and then around…

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