Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony: “Obviously, I Did Not Kill My Daughter!”

Unfortunately, we haven't heard the last of Casey Anthony! On Tuesday, the mother that was nfamously acquitted last year in…

13 years ago

Casey Anthony Has A Video Diary

Acquitted infanticidal mother Casey Anthony is in the news again. This time, she's advertising her new personal video diary in…

13 years ago

Florida Taxpayers To Pay Casey Anthony’s Legal Fees

Florida taxpayers will continue paying the fee's for Casey Anthony's prosecution. Taxpayers began picking up her legal expenses in March…

13 years ago

Networks Fight Over Interview with Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony's lawyers are working to get a deal for her first interview since her trial. Sources state that NBC…

13 years ago

Will Caylee’s Death Make Casey A Celebrity?

Now that the Casey Anthony trial is over, the media is in a frenzy to determine Casey's next steps.  Dr.…

13 years ago

Appalling News, Casey Anthony Offered $1 Million For First Interview

There was no justice for poor Caylee Anthony when her mother Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder.  Now…

13 years ago

Casey Anthony Sentenced to Four Years in Jail

Casey Anthony was sentenced to four years in prison today with fines totaling $4,000 for providing false information to law…

13 years ago

Jury Member From The Casey Anthony Trial Speaks Out

After the verdict on the Casey Anthony trial came out, all of the jury members remained silent and would not…

13 years ago

No Justice For Caylee Anthony, Casey Anthony Found NOT GUILTY

What has to be one of the biggest miscarriages of justice Casey Anthony was just found NOT GUILTY of murdering…

13 years ago