Terri Irwin Reveals Why She Never Dated After Steve Died

Terri Irwin - Australia Zoo - People - YouTube

When Steve Irwin, affectionately known as The Crocodile Hunter died, his wife, Terri Irwin was left behind with two small kids to raise. And, she did a good job as both Robert and Bindi Irwin carried on their father’s work at the Australia Zoo. This year, Terri revealed why she never dated again after the death of Steve. 

Terri Irwin Manages The Australia Zoo

Across the world, fans of Animal Planet and the Australia Zoo froze in front of their TVs as the news arrived that Steve Irwin had died. On September 4, 2006, the 44-year-old was stabbed in the chest by a stingray. Ironically, he was filming a documentary named “Ocean’s Deadliest.”

Terri Irwin lost her husband in a matter of seconds and her life changed in an instant. Nothing would ever be the same again. But somehow, like other bereaved people, she got through the days, weeks, months, and years without her partner by her side. And, she did that by dedicating herself to Robert Irwin, then a toddler, and her daughter, Bindi. Of course, she also manages the zoo. 

Steve Irwin’s Wife Never Dated Again

The Crocodile Hunter was gone and for the next 18 years, his wife remained faithful to him. Why is that? Not everyone who loses a life partner remains single, after all. Well, it’s not like the Animal Planet star didn’t get any offers. But she chose to stay unmarried. Earlier this year, she spoke about it with US Weekly and TMZ also carried the story. And, this week it was shared on Instagram by @pubity

Steve Irwin- The Crocodile Hunter - YouTube
Steve Irwin- The Crocodile Hunter – YouTube


When asked, Terri Irwin explained that she never dated or thought about marrying again because she had already “had [her] happily ever after” with Steve Irwin. Robert and Bindi’s mom explained more, saying:

I had the best marriage in the whole world for 14 years, and I’m very comfortable with the person I see in the mirror. So I’m okay to be on my own now. And I’m lonely for Steve, but I’m not a lonely person, so I’m very lucky.

Terri Irwin and Steve Irwin - Via Pubity Instagram
Terri Irwin and Steve Irwin – Via @Pubity Instagram


Lots of people responded to the post on Instagram. Here are some of their thoughts about it:

  • People like her and relationships like this are the reason I sincerely hope there’s something after we go. I’d love nothing more than for Steve to be the first face she sees when her time comes.
  • My dad passed away when I was 6 months old. I’d be 24 tomorrow and my mum is still single. Whenever I pressure her she says “I’ve lost the love of my entire life, I want no one else.”
  • True love story! Also, it might be kind of tough to replace a man like Steve.

What are your thoughts on Terri Irwin never dating again as she had already had her “Happily Ever After” with Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin? Shout out in the comments below, and remember to come back here often for all your Animal Planet news. 

SOURCE: Instagram  TMZ.

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